Stevie Wonder will pay 25k a month in child support for sons with

Unveiling The Enigmatic Wife Of Musical Icon Stevie Wonder

Stevie Wonder will pay 25k a month in child support for sons with

Understanding Stevie Wonder's Wife: A Comprehensive Exploration

Stevie Wonder, an iconic figure in the music industry, has had several marriages throughout his life. His current wife is Tomeeka Robyn Bracy, whom he married in 2017. Bracy is a fashion designer and former model who has been involved in various philanthropic endeavors. The couple has two children together.

Wonder's previous marriages include Syreeta Wright, a singer-songwriter he was married to from 1970 to 1972, and Kai Millard Morris, a fashion designer he was married to from 2001 to 2009. He has nine children from his various relationships.

Stevie Wonder's personal life has often been the subject of public interest, and his marriages have been no exception. His relationship with Bracy has been described as a source of stability and happiness for the singer, and she has been credited with helping him navigate the challenges of his career and personal life.

Who is Stevie Wonder's Wife?

Stevie Wonder, the legendary singer-songwriter, has been married three times. His current wife is Tomeeka Robyn Bracy, whom he married in 2017. Bracy is a fashion designer and former model who has been involved in various philanthropic endeavors. The couple has two children together.

  • Name: Tomeeka Robyn Bracy
  • Occupation: Fashion designer and former model
  • Married to Stevie Wonder since: 2017
  • Number of children together: 2
  • Previous marriages: Syreeta Wright (1970-1972), Kai Millard Morris (2001-2009)
  • Total number of children: 9

Stevie Wonder's personal life has often been the subject of public interest, and his marriages have been no exception. His relationship with Bracy has been described as a source of stability and happiness for the singer, and she has been credited with helping him navigate the challenges of his career and personal life.


Tomeeka Robyn Bracy is the current wife of Stevie Wonder, the legendary singer-songwriter. The connection between "Name: Tomeeka Robyn Bracy" and "who is Stevie Wonder's wife" is direct and unambiguous: Tomeeka Robyn Bracy is the person who is married to Stevie Wonder.

As Stevie Wonder's wife, Tomeeka Robyn Bracy has been a source of stability and happiness for the singer, and she has been credited with helping him navigate the challenges of his career and personal life. She is also a fashion designer and former model who has been involved in various philanthropic endeavors.

Understanding the connection between "Name: Tomeeka Robyn Bracy" and "who is Stevie Wonder's wife" is important because it provides insight into the personal life of one of the most iconic figures in the music industry. It also highlights the importance of marriage and family in the life of a successful and talented individual.


Tomeeka Robyn Bracy, the current wife of Stevie Wonder, is a fashion designer and former model. This occupation connects to "who is Stevie Wonder's wife" in several ways:

  • Personal style and image: As a fashion designer, Tomeeka Robyn Bracy has a strong sense of style and image. This is reflected in her own personal style, as well as in the clothes she designs. Her work as a fashion designer may influence Stevie Wonder's personal style and image, as well as the image of the couple as a whole.
  • Social and professional connections: The fashion industry is a social and professional world, and Tomeeka Robyn Bracy's work as a fashion designer has likely led to her meeting and connecting with a wide range of people. These connections may be beneficial to Stevie Wonder's career and personal life, as well as to the couple's social and professional standing.
  • Financial stability: Tomeeka Robyn Bracy's work as a fashion designer may contribute to the financial stability of the couple. This financial stability can provide peace of mind and security, and it can allow the couple to focus on their personal and professional goals.

Overall, Tomeeka Robyn Bracy's occupation as a fashion designer and former model is a significant part of her identity and her role as Stevie Wonder's wife. It shapes her personal style and image, her social and professional connections, and her financial situation.

Married to Stevie Wonder since

The connection between "Married to Stevie Wonder since: 2017" and "who is Stevie Wonder's wife" is direct and unambiguous: Tomeeka Robyn Bracy has been married to Stevie Wonder since 2017, and this fact is a key part of her identity as his wife. Being married to Stevie Wonder has likely had a significant impact on her personal life, social status, and professional opportunities.

For example, as Stevie Wonder's wife, Tomeeka Robyn Bracy has accompanied him to various events and red carpets, and she has been featured in articles and interviews about their relationship. This has raised her public profile and given her a platform to share her own views and interests. Additionally, being married to Stevie Wonder has likely given her access to exclusive social and professional circles, which may have benefited her career and personal life.

Overall, understanding the connection between "Married to Stevie Wonder since: 2017" and "who is Stevie Wonder's wife" is important because it provides insight into the personal life of one of the most iconic figures in the music industry. It also highlights the importance of marriage and family in the life of a successful and talented individual.

Number of children together

Tomeeka Robyn Bracy, the current wife of Stevie Wonder, has two children with him. This fact is a significant part of her identity as his wife and provides insight into their relationship and family life.

Having two children together has likely strengthened the bond between Tomeeka Robyn Bracy and Stevie Wonder. Raising children together is a shared responsibility that can bring couples closer together. It also creates a sense of and purpose.

The number of children a couple has together can also affect their lifestyle and financial situation. With two children, Tomeeka Robyn Bracy and Stevie Wonder likely have a busy and active household. They may also need to make adjustments to their work schedules and financial planning to accommodate their growing family.

Overall, understanding the connection between "Number of children together: 2" and "who is stevie wonder's wife" provides insight into the personal life of one of the most iconic figures in the music industry. It also highlights the importance of family in the life of a successful and talented individual.

Previous marriages

Stevie Wonder's previous marriages to Syreeta Wright and Kai Millard Morris provide context and background to his current marriage to Tomeeka Robyn Bracy, offering insights into his personal life and relationship history.

  • Marriage as a Personal Journey: Wonder's previous marriages demonstrate the evolving nature of his personal life and relationships. Each marriage brought its own unique experiences and lessons, shaping his perspectives on love and commitment.
  • Creative Collaboration and Inspiration: Syreeta Wright, a singer-songwriter, collaborated with Wonder on several musical projects during their marriage. Their creative partnership influenced Wonder's musical style and contributed to his artistic growth.
  • Divorce and its Impact: Wonder's divorces from Wright and Morris highlight the challenges and complexities of relationships. These experiences may have influenced his approach to marriage and shaped his current relationship dynamics.

Understanding Stevie Wonder's previous marriages provides a deeper appreciation of his current marriage and his journey as a husband and family man. It also underscores the significance of personal growth and the lessons learned through life experiences in shaping one's approach to relationships.

Total number of children

The fact that Stevie Wonder has a total of nine children is a significant aspect of his identity and personal life. It highlights his role as a father and family man, offering insights into his values and priorities.

Having a large family can shape an individual's lifestyle, responsibilities, and relationships. For Stevie Wonder, his nine children likely play a central role in his daily life and decision-making. Raising a large family requires a significant amount of time, energy, and resources, and it can also bring unique joys and challenges.

Understanding the connection between "Total number of children: 9" and "who is Stevie Wonder's wife" provides a more comprehensive view of the legendary singer-songwriter. It highlights the importance of family in his life, and it offers insights into his personal values and priorities. Additionally, it underscores the challenges and rewards of raising a large family, and the impact it can have on an individual's life and career.


This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about Stevie Wonder's wife, Tomeeka Robyn Bracy, offering concise and informative responses to common concerns or misconceptions.

Question 1: Who is Stevie Wonder's wife?

Stevie Wonder's wife is Tomeeka Robyn Bracy, a fashion designer, and former model.

Question 2: When did Stevie Wonder marry Tomeeka Robyn Bracy?

Stevie Wonder married Tomeeka Robyn Bracy in 2017.

Question 3: How many children do Stevie Wonder and Tomeeka Robyn Bracy have together?

Stevie Wonder and Tomeeka Robyn Bracy have two children together.

Question 4: What is Tomeeka Robyn Bracy's occupation?

Tomeeka Robyn Bracy is a fashion designer and former model.

Question 5: How old is Tomeeka Robyn Bracy?

Tomeeka Robyn Bracy's age is not publicly available information.

Question 6: What is Tomeeka Robyn Bracy's background?

Tomeeka Robyn Bracy's background is not publicly available information.

These FAQs provide a concise overview of key facts and information about Stevie Wonder's wife, Tomeeka Robyn Bracy, addressing common questions and offering a better understanding of her identity and role in Stevie Wonder's life.

Summary: Tomeeka Robyn Bracy is Stevie Wonder's current wife, and they have been married since 2017. She is a fashion designer and former model, and together they have two children.

Transition: For further insights into Stevie Wonder's personal life and career, explore the following sections...

Understanding "Who is Stevie Wonder's Wife"

Investigating the topic of "who is Stevie Wonder's wife" offers valuable insights into the personal life of a legendary musician and the significance of marriage and family in his life. Here are a few key tips to consider:

Tip 1: Explore the Personal Context

Understanding the personal context of Stevie Wonder's marriages provides a deeper appreciation of his relationship history. His previous marriages and current marriage with Tomeeka Robyn Bracy offer glimpses into his evolving perspectives on love, commitment, and family life.

Tip 2: Recognize the Importance of Family

The fact that Stevie Wonder has a total of nine children highlights the central role that family plays in his life. Raising a large family requires significant dedication, time, and resources, and it shapes his priorities and values.

Tip 3: Value Marriage as a Personal Journey

Stevie Wonder's marriages demonstrate the evolving nature of personal relationships. Each marriage brings its own experiences, lessons, and growth, shaping his understanding of commitment and the dynamics of marriage.

Tip 4: Understand the Creative Impact

Stevie Wonder's marriage to Syreeta Wright, a singer-songwriter, influenced his musical style and creative collaborations. Their partnership highlights the interplay between personal relationships and artistic expression.

Tip 5: Respect the Boundaries of Privacy

While public figures like Stevie Wonder share aspects of their lives, it is essential to respect their privacy. Not all personal details are publicly available or appropriate for discussion, and boundaries should be observed.

Summary: Investigating "who is Stevie Wonder's wife" provides insights into his personal life, values, and the significance of family and marriage. Respecting privacy and exploring the available information with a balanced perspective leads to a deeper understanding of the topic.

Transition: For further exploration of Stevie Wonder's life and career, refer to the following resources or delve into additional research on the topic.


Investigating the topic of "who is Stevie Wonder's wife" has provided valuable insights into the personal life of a legendary musician. Understanding the context of Stevie Wonder's marriages, the importance of family in his life, and the interplay between his relationships and creative expression has shed light on the complexities of his personal journey.

The exploration of this topic highlights the significance of marriage and family in shaping an individual's life and values. It also underscores the importance of respecting privacy while seeking information about public figures and approaching personal topics with sensitivity and nuance.

In conclusion, understanding "who is Stevie Wonder's wife" extends beyond a simple answer and delves into the broader themes of love, commitment, family, and the intricate tapestry of human relationships. It invites us to reflect on the personal and societal significance of these concepts and to appreciate the unique stories and experiences that shape each individual's life.

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